What's new?
Things have been really busy around here! We had two fetes recently: Apr. 27 which is Togolese Independence day then May 1, which is Labor Day. Work stopped for massive parades and parties.
Tchamba also had going on a 3 day animal husbandry fair which brought people in from all over my region.
Finally, Peace Corps Togo has a huge project going on right now called "More than just a game," which is a volunteer tour of all the regions of Togo teaching students about Malaria and prevention through soccer. That was really great to see.

Tchamba also had going on a 3 day animal husbandry fair which brought people in from all over my region.
Finally, Peace Corps Togo has a huge project going on right now called "More than just a game," which is a volunteer tour of all the regions of Togo teaching students about Malaria and prevention through soccer. That was really great to see.
So, I've been in and out of village, but (aside from the time off to fete) my village has been continuing work on the maternity house pretty steadily. They've been putting in the doors and windows and they built up all the floors which now need to be smoothed and covered in cement.
They dug the pit for the latrines.
And they're making more bricks to build the latrines with.
So, whats left? The house needs to be cemented over, walls and floors, and the latrine needs to be put together. The report from the carpenter was that they have been cutting all the boards needed for the ceiling and they are just waiting for the walls to finish to put it up. We're still on track! A lot of the work they're doing now is not as massive as the building of the walls and roof, but a lot of here and there kinda stuff that can end up being a little bit of a process. The workers are out there every day still. AND we do now have an ETA for the completion of the house: June 1. That's what were working towards.
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