I'm back (from Russia)

I've recently decided I'm going to turn my old Peace Corps blog into a travel/life adventures blog. It seemed about time, with all the traveling I've been doing. Plus, my family has been telling me I need to keep them more in the loop, and this seemed like a good way. Now that I've moved to Key West aka paradise and I've been getting into lots of adventures, I should have plenty of stories to write about.
Anyways, what better time to start than now? Seeing as how my boyfriend and I have just gotten back from a 2 week trip to Russia, we can start there, the land of communism and vodka (and other great things, I'm sure).
Why did we go to Russia, you ask? Well, my lovely boyfriend, Vladimir...
...just happens to be Russian. The name may have given it away.
Of course, the first place we went is the famous, Red Square. Vlad's friend's all had a good laugh later when I told them pictures from Russian tourism had led to me to falsely believe that the buildings in Russia were all going to look like this famous church...
...but I loved this building anyways, along with the other ornate Russian churches I saw.
More of the Red Square:
More of the Red Square:
To tell you the truth, I preferred the Red Square at night, because we went back during the day and it was so full of people it kind of ruined it for me...
The next day we saw some more of the city. We went to Gorky park which had some beautiful views of the city.

As you can probably tell from the pictures, it was pretty overcast (and cold as well); it was like this most of the time we were there, and even though the city was beautiful, made it feel kind of dreary. Maybe it's because we went in October?
We checked out some of the monuments around the city and even fit in some time to see a WWII museum before we had to catch our flight that evening to Stavropol, the city where Vladimir grew up.
I 💖Moskvoo?
Stay tuned for another post on Stavropol!
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